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Monday, September 28, 2015

Intimate Jennifer Lopez videos to be made public by first husband Ojani Noa

Jennifer Lopez performing in Morocco.  The singer is still fighting to have intimate video taken by her first husband Ojani Noa kept private.
Jennifer Lopez performing in Morocco. The singer is still fighting to have intimate video taken by her first husband Ojani Noa kept private.
Personal video footage of Jennifer Lopez, including intimate coverage of the star in her hotel room during her first honeymoon, is set to be released by her first husband Ojani Noa.
The videos, recorded by Noa, also include Lopez arguing with her mother, Guadalupe, and telling her she won't give her more money for gambling, as well as the Latino singer playfully spanking a pal in bed, reports In Touch magazine.
Lopez has already spent millions in legal fees trying to keep the videos private, the magazine alleges, but Noa's business partner Ed Meyer says a recent stalemate in court proceedings has led to Noa deciding to release the footage.
Singer Jennifer Lopez is fighting to keep home videos taken by her ex husband private, although the husband's lawyers say they will release them.
Singer Jennifer Lopez is fighting to keep home videos taken by her ex husband private, although the husband's lawyers say they will release them.

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