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Monday, September 28, 2015

Vin Diesel Confirms One Final ‘Fast and Furious’ Trilogy

Just last week, a report detailing some trouble behind the scenes of Furious 8 revealed that Universal Pictures was having trouble locking down a director, and there was even some chatter about producer and franchise star Vin Diesel being difficult to work with on set in the recent sequels, being heavily involved in the writing process, almost to a frustrating level.
However, Diesel himself has taken to Facebook, seemingly in an attempt to clear up some of the gossip about the production of the next sequel in the franchise, to explain what the hold up is in development. In addition, he’s confirmed that Universal is planning Furious 9 and Furious 10 for one final Fast and Furious trilogy that will begin with Furious 8.
Here’s what Diesel posted on Facebook:
The fans of the Fast & Furious SAGA are the best fans in the world… Since I became the Producer in 2008, you have been with me every step of the way… literally giving me feedback that proved invaluable. Thank you.
My producing partner Neal would love for me to just sign off on a director, but this is too special a franchise, so these matters have to be very carefully handled. To be clear, NO ONE has been offered to helm Fast 8 yet… let alone seen a script.
Universal has been so good to me and so trusting of the vision… they have been like family… I promised the studio I would deliver one last Trilogy to end the saga. 
I will announce the directors on my next post…

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